Getting Started
- How to send a session to Zwift
- How to add a course file to RaceX?
- How do I connect my Apple Watch?
- What metric should I focus on when executing my workouts?
- What are "Perks" and "Unlocks"?
- What will my training volume be? What will the training look like?
- What is Grade Adjusted Pace - GAP?
- What are Unicorn Bonuses?
- What are Dot Scores?
- What is XP?
- Negative Split
- Gear (big or small)
- How to perform swim sessions sent to Garmin?
- Swim to Bottom Drill
- Pull
- Baserate
- Zone Out
- Toes Tapping (TT)
Administrative and Technical
Training Methodology
- Optimized Training
- What is the Fitness, Stress and Readiness chart?
- What is EnviroNorm®?
- TrainX® Scoring
- Physiogenomix
- Normalized Training Stress®
- Is the TriDot Project a research study?
- Why is a credit card required for the TriDot Project (TDP)?
- How to Connect with Peloton?
- How do I Export my RaceX Segments and Course to a device?
- App won’t open or gets stuck loading
- Upload Data File from Garmin when a file needs to be replaced