How do I connect my Apple Watch?

Apple Watch connects seamlessly so your completed activities will automatically upload from Apple Watch after each session (a non-automatic, manual option is available as well). Follow these instructions to connect your Apple Watch. This is a one-time process.

1) Download the Dot Connect for Apple Watch app:

2) Once downloaded, tap "Allow Access to Health Data" in the Dot Connect app.

3) Tap "Turn On All" and hit "Allow."

4) Go back to Dot Connect, tap "Profile," then "Connect," then "Continue."

5) Enter your login info, then hit "Authorize."

You'll see your recent workouts. Each has a cloud "download" icon. Once synched, all will show a green checkmark.

You're all set! If you have any questions or issues, please click the "Get in Touch" button and we will be happy to assist.

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