Muscle Activation Series for Bike

Perform the following muscle activation series (preferably without shoes) prior to each bike training session. Optionally, if you're doing a trainer workout, you can soft pedal for 5 minutes and then dismount to perform this activation series. 
Repeat each isometric contraction 5-6 times and hold contraction for four deep breaths. Start contractions at ~10% effort and progressing to ~60%. Don't contract hard enough to feel discomfort or cramp. But make mental connection between brain and target muscle to reinforce the neural pathway. Don't hold onto anything for support. Work to maintain your balance with your feet and lower-leg muscles. During the one-legged stances, you'll be activating the stabilizing muscles of the grounded foot and enhancing your proprioception.

Muscle Activation Series for Bike

  1. Hip extensions (glutes) - Standing on one leg, extend the other back and to the side at 45° up and 45° out. Lean forward with your upper body such that your torso and extended leg form a straight line. Keep your pelvis in an neutral position—don't twist toward the side of the extended leg or pooch out your booty. Keep your foot in a relatively relaxed, dorsiflexed position (toes up toward your shin). Contract your glute and hold. It's fine to perform repetitions either alternating legs or all one leg and then the other.

  2. Step backs (glutes and quads) - Stand with your legs slightly narrower than shoulder width. Placing all of your weight on one leg applying pressure to the ground through your heel, step directly backwards with the other leg ending up in a lunge position. During this entire movement, your body should remain in alignment from the heel of the foot stepping back through your straight leg, hips, torso, and head. After stepping back, remain in the lunge position focusing on loading the glute of the front leg. It should feel like you are applying force from your hip through your heel. Your knee should be directly over your foot (not in front of them). Keep your hips in a level and neutral position. Don't let the non-loaded hip drop. After four deep breaths, keep you body in a locked and aligned position and press from your hip through your heel and raise yourself to a standing position. It's fine to perform repetitions either alternating legs or all one leg and then the other.

  3. Squats (glutes and quads) - Standing with your legs slightly narrower than shoulder width, bend at the knees and hips lowering your body into a squat position. At the low point of the squat your knees should be at an angle greater than 60°. While in the squat, keep your weight over your heels. You should be able to lift your toes. As you go down, your knees can dip in slightly but should come back to neutral as you press from your hips back to a standing position.

  4. Knee Raises - Bending one leg at 90° and with the foot dorsiflexed, bring your knee directly up and in front of your body. Maintain pelvic alignment and upright posture. Keep your grounded leg locked using your lower leg to balance. Contract your hip flexor (psoas)—the muscle holding your leg up—and twist your torso slightly toward the side of the lifted leg. It's fine to perform repetitions either alternating legs or all one leg and then the other.

 Following this activation series, proceed with your warm up. As you progress, you can hold small dumbbells during the step backs and squats.
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