What is XP?

Your training success is the result of consistently doing the right training right. You earn XP as you train based on the sessions you do, and how well you do them.


XP guides, motivates, and rewards you for consistently doing the right training right. XP is not only fun; it’s functional. You earn XP in training for the activities that lead to PRs on race day!

Session XP

Each Session’s XP value is based on its priority within your weekly schedule. The most important sessions are worth the most XP. The amount of XP you earn for a single session is the Session XP value multiplied by your TrainX Score for that session.

You earn more XP by doing the highest priority sessions to the best of your ability.

Weekly Session XP Potential

Your total potential Session XP for each week (300) is distributed across your training sessions based on their priority for you. Everyone has an equal opportunity to earn XP. There’s no bonus XP for setting training Volume to "High" or doing more training than what’s prescribed.

Note that a weeks' total XP Potential may differ from 300 if a discipline does not appear in your weekly schedule (i.e. if "Bike & Run" is selected as "Non-required Sessions to Include" so swims do not appear), or if Sessions are moved from one week to another (XP Potential could be lower than 300 for one week and higher than 300 for another). If sessions are moved too far from their originally prescribed day, then 0 XP will be earned for that session.

“Leveling Up”

XP Levels are based on your total accumulated XP. Consistently doing the right training right delivers improved fitness and performance, but earning XP takes the fun and motivation to another level.

Level         Category
1-9              Copper
10-19          Bronze
20-29         Silver
30-39         Gold
40-49         Platinum
50-59         Diamond
60+             Double Diamond


Leaderboards help you measure your progress and stay motivated. Use the “Like Me” filter to see how you compare to athletes of your same gender and who started training at roughly the same time as you.

XP Requirements

To earn Session XP, the session must be prescribed and have results evidenced by a linked data file.

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